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Neuromonitoring is a complex and technically demanding discipline.
A part of the modern patient safety movement, Head and Spine Institue maintains neuromonitoring resources for IONM (intraoperative neurophysiologic monitoring) that provide insight into the function of the nervous system, a window into potential surgical injuries, and the opportunity for appropriate intervention with the goal of mitigation of untoward surgical outcomes.
The ability to achieve these goals is contingent on multiple factors. These factors include a well-trained in-operating suite neuromonitorist, skilled interpretive neuromonitoring oversight, and an administrative structure which understands how to properly support ethical business practices for our partner facility and our patients. Head and Spine Institute fulfills all of these requirements and more.
Some of the specialized tests, executed by the aforementioned IONM teams, include motor evoked potentials (MEP), somatosensory evoked potentials (SSEP), brainstem auditory evoked responses (BAER), complex reflex testing, electromyography (EMG), electroencephalography (EEG), and other neuromonitoring modalities. These tests can be used in combination to achieve neural protection and mapping of neural structures in surgical procedures, including but not limited to basic and complex spine, skull base, supra and infratentorial intracranial, peripheral nerve reconstruction, general orthopaedic, complex bone deformity/fracture management, cardiothoracic/aortic, otolaryngology procedures, intensive care long-term non-convulsive seizure monitoring, and neuromodulation cases.
Our organization’s patient-centered focus extends beyond operating rooms and intensive care units.
Our patient-first philosophy carries over into our billing and reimbursement practice where we will work with patients and third party payors to provide as painless of an experience as possible. To this end, we will never balance bill a patient for services that we have delivered. We will always work with patients and insurers while delivering the highest level of neurophysiology care to every patient, regardless of their ability to pay.
Lastly, Head and Spine Institute’s regional president is available to you, providing a direct feedback mechanism for your opinions, observations, and operational suggestions. We encourage your feedback so that we can provide you the best monitoring coverage possible.
To learn more about our neuromonitoring resources, please contact us at 972-786-6167 or complete our contact form.